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K3s/loxilb with default flannel

LoxiLB Quick Start Guide with K3s/Flannel

This guide will explain how to:

  • Deploy a single-node K3s cluster with flannel networking
  • Expose services with loxilb as an external load balancer


  • Single node with Linux
  • Install docker runtime to manage loxilb


For quickly bringing up loxilb with K3s/Flannel, we will be deploying all components in a single node :

loxilb topology

loxilb is run as a docker and will use macvlan for the incoming traffic. This is to mimic a topology close to cloud-hosted k8s where LB nodes run outside a cluster. loxilb can be used in more complex in-cluster mode as well, but not used here for simplicity.

Install loxilb docker

## Set underlying interface of the VM/cluster-node to promisc mode for mac-vlan to work
sudo ifconfig eth1 promisc

## Run loxilb
sudo docker run -u root --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --restart unless-stopped --privileged --entrypoint /root/loxilb-io/loxilb/loxilb -dit -v /dev/log:/dev/log  --name loxilb

# Create mac-vlan on top of underlying eth1 interface
sudo docker network create -d macvlan -o parent=eth1 --subnet   --gateway --aux-address 'host=' llbnet

# Assign mac-vlan to loxilb docker with specified IP (which will be used as LB VIP)
# Please note that this node should already have an IP assigned belonging to the same subnet on underlying interface
sudo docker network connect llbnet loxilb --ip=

# Add iptables rule to allow traffic from source/host IP( to loxilb
sudo iptables -A DOCKER -s -j ACCEPT

All the above steps related to docker setup can be further automated using docker-compose.

Setup K3s/Flannel

#K3s installation
curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="server --disable traefik --disable servicelb --disable-cloud-controller --kube-proxy-arg metrics-bind-address= --kubelet-arg cloud-provider=external" K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE="644" sh -

# Remove taints in k3s if any (usually happens if started without cloud-manager)
sudo kubectl taint nodes --all

How to deploy kube-loxilb ?

kube-loxilb is used to deploy loxilb with Kubernetes.



            - --loxiURL=
            - --externalCIDR=
            - --setMode=1
In the above snippet, loxiURL uses docker interface IP of loxilb, which can be different for each setup.

Apply in k8s:

kubectl apply -f kube-loxilb.yaml

Create the service

kubectl apply -f

Check the status

In k3s:

kubectl get svc
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP          PORT(S)           AGE
kubernetes      ClusterIP       <none>               443/TCP           80m
tcp-lb-onearm   LoadBalancer   llb-   56002:30001/TCP   6m50s
In loxilb docker:
$ sudo docker exec -it loxilb loxicmd get lb -o wide
|   EXT IP       | SEC IPS | PORT  | PROTO |         NAME          | MARK | SEL |  MODE  | ENDPOINT  | EPORT | WEIGHT | STATE  | COUNTERS |
| |         | 56002 | tcp   | default_tcp-lb-onearm |    0 | rr  | onearm | | 30001 |      1 | active | 12:880   |

Connect from host/client

$ curl
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