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Howto - ccm plugin

loxi-ccm is a cloud-manager that provides kubernetes with loxilb load balancer. kubernetes provides the cloud-provider interface for the implementation of external cloud provider-specific logic, and loxi-ccm is an implementation of the cloud-provider interface.

Typical loxi-ccm deployment topology

As seen in the loxilb architecture documentation, loxi-ccm is logically shown as part of the loxilb cluster. But it's actually running on the k8s master/control-plane node.

loxi-ccm implements the k8s load balancer service function using RESTful API of loxilb. When a user creates a k8s load balancer type service, loxi-ccm allocates an IP from the registered External IP subnet Pool. loxi-ccm sets rules in loxilb to allow service access from external with the assigned IP. In other words, loxi-ccm needs two information.

  1. loxilb API server address
  2. External IP Subnet

These informations are managed through k8s ConfigMap. loxi-ccm users should modify this informations to suit your environment.

Deploy loxi-ccm on kubernetes

The guide below has been tested in environment on Ubuntu 20.04, kubernetes v1.24 (calico CNI)

1. Modify k8s ConfigMap

In the manifests/loxi-ccm.yaml manifests file, the ConfigMap is defined as follows

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: loxilb-config
  namespace: kube-system
  apiServerURL: ""
The ConfigMap has two values: apiServerURL and externalIPcidr.

  • apiServerURL : API Server address of loxilb.
  • externalIPcidr : Subnet band to be allocated by loxilb as External IP of the load balancer.

apiServerURL and externalIPcidr must be modified according to the environment of the user using loxi-ccm.

2. Deploy loxi-ccm

Once you have modified ConfigMap, you can deploy loxi-ccm using the loxi-ccm.yaml manifest file. Run the following command on the kubernetes you want to deploy.

kubectl apply -f
After entering the command, check whether loxi-cloud-controller-manager is created in the daemonset of the kube-system namespace.

Manual build

If you want to build loxi-ccm manually, do the following:

1. build


2. Build & upload container image

Below is an example. This case use docker to build container images, and images is uploaded to docker hub.

sudo docker build -t $DOCKER_ID/loxi-ccm:$TAG -f ./Dockerfile .
sudo docker push $DOCKER_ID/loxi-ccm:$TAG

3. create loxi-ccm daemonset using custom image

In the DaemonSet section of the ./manifests/loxi-ccm.yaml file, change the image name to a custom image. (spec.template.spec.containers.image)

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
    k8s-app: loxi-cloud-controller-manager
  name: loxi-cloud-controller-manager
  namespace: kube-system
      k8s-app: loxi-cloud-controller-manager
        k8s-app: loxi-cloud-controller-manager
      serviceAccountName: loxi-cloud-controller-manager
        - name: loxi-cloud-controller-manager
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          # for in-tree providers we use
          # this can be replaced with any other image for out-of-tree providers
          image: {DOCKER_ID}/loxi-ccm:{TAG}
            - /bin/loxi-cloud-controller-manager